Module 4
Scentific and Technical Innovation
The last part was to analyse movement from technological perspective. The aim of this module was to use the concept of movement to showcase technological advancement and innovation. It was students' choice which invention they want to analyse according to their skills, preferences and interests. We used Inquiry-Based Learning circle.
The idea was forged around presenting future versions of a chosen invention. However, we allowed students to research how those inventions changed without necessairly creating future prototypes as these were students inquiries we decided to prioritize.
1. Asking - how technological breakthroughs influenced the world - videos, examples 2. Research and investigation - narrowing the area of interest, gathering materials on a chosen invention.
3. Creating a presentation - analysing the development (or possibly designing or describing future look and use) This stage of the process was connected with partial feedback given by the teachers and students during special sessions monitoring the progress.
4. Presentations - discussing the process and results in front of an audience with the documentation and dissemination on eTwinning.
5. Evaluation and Reflection - assessing the process, strengths and weaknesses, areas of improvement.