Module 1
Physical Development
The concept of movement is firstly associated with physical activity, thus it was the first step of the project. The aim of this module was to use the concept of movement not only on PE, but also combining it with other subjects as Physics, Biology or Maths. It was students' personal choice which direction they wanted to pursue according to their skills, preferences and interest.
We used Inquiry-Based Learning circle and a Development Plan to document the work (in MSP Paderewski - online porfolios, in other partner schools they decided to plan in paper form). The idea was forged around producing videos of sports and scientific phenomena.
1. Asking - how movement and Science are connected - Science of stupid videos 2. Research and investigation - narrowing the area of interest, preparing and analysing a questionnaire for the area of research.
3. Creating the videos - showing physical activity combined with chosen scientific areas. This stage of the process was connected with partial feedback given by the teachers and students during special sessions monitoring the progress.
4. Presentations - sharing the results of students work both in the school environment and on eTwinning.
5. Evaluation and Reflections - assessing theprocess, strengths and weaknesses, areas for improvement