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Mobility 1 - Athens (Feb.2020)

The aim of the activity was to prepare advertisements promoting different sport disciplines that are both popular and unpopular among teenagers. Students had the opportunity to collaborate in a multinational environment which gave them new perspectives and ideas. Students designed, recorded and edited the videos themselves - all the actions will be based on Inquiry-Based Learning circle. They first had workshops with athletes (including a Greek Olympic Gold Medalist in race walking), then did some research n chosen disciplines and finally, designed and created their videos. The activity also included: - presentation of the results from the first module of project work - integration workshops - cultural field trip - creating the pages on eTwinning - evaluation of the visit and product - blog entries or videos showing the most memorable events during the visit. Each of the visiting schools chose 6 students to come to CGS on the basis of their school project criteria and the groups included girls as well as boys of ages 12-14. The group from CGS consisted of 18 students actively participating in the project and hosting the visiting students. This ensured even closer collaboration and socialising. All the activities included skills required by national curricula from different subjects eg. the use of ICT skills, improving language skills as well as promoting active attitudes towards balanced lifestyle incorporating a variety of sports. Students developed collaborative skills, creative and critical thinking, self-management, social skills and development as inquirers and researchers. The outcomes of this visit were incorporated in promoting different sports in all the schools. We believed the work of students constituted a reliable source for their peers and it will confirmed both the value of sport in our life and the value of the project.


Our promotional videos:

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